Interior Design Mumbai Cost

Understanding the Cost of Interior Design in Mumbai

Mumbai, the bustling metropolis of India, is a city that exudes charm, diversity, and opulence. It’s no wonder that residents and businesses alike are investing in interior design to create spaces that reflect their personalities and meet their functional needs. However, one of the most common questions that arise is: What is the cost of interior design in Mumbai? This comprehensive guide aims to provide detailed insights into the various factors influencing interior design costs in Mumbai and what you can expect when embarking on your interior design journey.

Factors Influencing Interior Design Costs in Mumbai

1. Scope of the Project

The first and foremost factor determining the cost of interior design in Mumbai is the scope of the project. Are you looking to redesign a single room, an entire home, or a commercial space? The scale of the project significantly impacts the cost, with larger projects naturally requiring more resources and time.

2. Design Style and Complexity

The design style you choose also plays a crucial role in the overall cost. Minimalist designs may cost less compared to opulent, intricate designs that require more materials and skilled labor. For instance, a modern minimalist living room may involve fewer elements, while a traditional Indian living room with detailed woodwork and artifacts will require a higher budget.

Interior Design Mumbai Cost

3. Quality of Materials

The quality of materials used in the project can vary widely, affecting the total cost. Premium materials such as Italian marble, high-end fixtures, and custom-made furniture will drive up costs. Conversely, opting for locally sourced materials and ready-made furniture can help manage expenses.

4. Designer’s Fee

Another significant factor is the designer’s fee. Interior designers in Mumbai may charge based on a percentage of the project cost, a fixed fee, or an hourly rate. Experienced and renowned designers typically command higher fees compared to emerging designers.

5. Location of the Property

The location of your property within Mumbai can influence costs as well. Properties in upscale areas such as South Mumbai or Bandra may incur higher costs due to higher transportation and labor charges compared to suburban areas.

Breakdown of Interior Design Costs

Residential Interior Design Costs

Living Room

A well-designed living room serves as the heart of your home. The cost for designing a living room in Mumbai can range from INR 2,00,000 to INR 10,00,000 or more. This includes costs for furniture, lighting, flooring, wall treatments, and decorative elements.

Interior Design Mumbai Cost


Kitchen design costs can vary significantly based on whether you opt for a modular kitchen or a custom design. A modular kitchen typically costs between INR 1,50,000 to INR 5,00,000. Custom kitchens with high-end appliances and bespoke cabinetry can exceed INR 10,00,000.


The cost of designing a bedroom in Mumbai can range from INR 1,50,000 to INR 7,00,000. This includes expenses for wardrobes, bed frames, mattresses, lighting, and other decor elements.

Commercial Interior Design Costs

Office Spaces

Designing an office space in Mumbai can range from INR 1,000 to INR 3,000 per square foot. Factors influencing this cost include the type of office (startup, corporate, co-working), the level of customization, and the quality of materials used.

Retail Stores

Retail store design costs can vary widely based on the size of the store and the brand’s requirements. On average, retail design costs range from INR 1,500 to INR 5,000 per square foot. High-end luxury stores may incur higher costs due to bespoke fixtures and premium finishes.

Additional Costs to Consider

Project Management Fees

Some interior designers offer project management services to oversee the entire project from start to finish. This service can add an additional 10% to 20% to your overall budget.

Interior Design Mumbai Cost

Consultation Fees

Initial consultation fees with interior designers in Mumbai can range from INR 1,000 to INR 5,000. Some designers may waive this fee if you proceed with the project.

Contingency Budget

It’s wise to set aside a contingency budget of 10% to 15% of the total project cost to cover any unexpected expenses that may arise during the project.

Tips to Manage Interior Design Costs

1. Set a Clear Budget

Before starting your project, set a clear and realistic budget. Communicate this budget to your interior designer to ensure that the design plan aligns with your financial expectations.

2. Prioritize Your Needs

Identify the key areas that need attention and prioritize them. Focus on the essential elements first, and if the budget allows, you can always add more decorative elements later.

3. Opt for a Mix of Materials

Combine high-end and cost-effective materials to achieve a balanced look without compromising on quality. For instance, use premium materials for focal points and more affordable options for secondary elements.

4. Consider Phased Implementation

If the budget is tight, consider implementing the design in phases. Start with the most critical areas and gradually move on to other spaces as funds become available.

5. Choose the Right Designer

Select an interior designer whose style and fee structure align with your budget and vision. Research and compare multiple designers before making a decision.

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